About DNA Consulta

Dear Visitor,

My name is Christopher Farrugia and I’m a Forensic Scientist by profession with over thirty years experience. I have worked with the Police Forensic Science Laboratory and Malta National Laboratory and followed that with two private laboratories as a Consultant. As a Court Expert I have been involved in numerous criminal and civil cases.

DNA Consulta was created as a private specialist personalised service providing for individual, private and public cases. It is committed to providing a serious, ethical and professional service based on consultation, empowerment with the aim of achieving an actionable, objective and conclusive outcome.

DNA outcomes can have very profound implications in the fields that matter whether personal, legal or healthcare. For this reason we work with a trusted close-knit community of specialized accredited laboratories to provide you a professional service whom you can trust with your samples. That is why here at DNA Consulta a personalised service is provided. This ensures that you and your case get the necessary attention and the precise results you need.

In all undertakings, confidentiality is maintained.

Besides the identification and individual nature of our profiling tests at DNA Consulta we also offer tests for sports people who wish to maximise their potential. Among these are the DNA Healthy Weight, allergy and intolerance tests and others to help identify the endurance potential as part of a holistic undertaking to bring out the best in athletes. Other tests will be coming in the near future.

Because our tests are genetic-based we can help in the diagnosis and/or confirmation of particular conditions that could otherwise be expensive and time-consuming. For medical and health reasons this could mean delaying treatment with te consequences borne from that. Fertility testing, gynaecological testing, non-invasive prenatal testing, tumour testing, metabolic testing, hereditary testing, cardiovascular testing, neonatal testing and carrier testing are performed in association with your physician or specialist of choice, and this to help you make the most of the personalised results and decide wisely on future outcomes. 

GENOMICS study how data from our genetic material can be used in specific areas to enhance our life, providing us with the information necessary to cater for real needs. DNAconsulta is offering patients’ tests to effectively treat and manage better their conditions in Health, SkinCare, and Food & Pet Sensitivities.

In the DNA Health panels the aim is to build actionable preventive strategies that will help to avoid disease manifestation..

Let DNA Consulta be the independent reference point for breeders, veterinarians and pet-owners for breed, pedigree and inherited conditions for dogs, cats and horses. 

DNA birdsexing of exotic and other birds can be typed using feathers or toe blood. This removes the need of what formerly used to be a surgical intervention to determine objectively the sex of the bird.

Should you also wish to back-up your result or have a second opinion, let DNA Consulta be your point of call.

Here is an ethical, independent private service of consultancy and analyses where veracity and empowerment is paramount, 

Yours sincerely



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